Category Archives: Translations

#Chain 61 – Tymoshenko’s Daughter Fears For Her Mother’s Life

The daughter of Ukraine’s jailed former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko says she’s afraid her mother may die because of what she describes as abusive prison conditions.

Yevhenia Tymoshenko — who this month accused Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych of seeking to “get rid of” her mother — said the former prime minister has been subjected to poor medical care and abusive conditions since she was initially jailed in August.

The 31-year-old Tymoshenko, speaking to RFE/RL in Prague, said her worries about her mother have grown ever since an alleged incident in January where prison officials took 20 minutes to respond after her mother lost consciousness in her cell.

Yulia Tymoshenko, who twice served as prime minister under the presidency of her Orange Revolution cohort Viktor Yushchenko, was handed a seven-year sentence late last year on charges of abuse of office.

In late December, she was moved to a remote women’s prison in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. Since then, her family members and lawyers have complained of harsh prison treatment.

Say no to anti-humanitarian treatment of individuals by translating this into as many languages as possible.

Adapted for translation purposes only from Radio Free Europe

Word count 202

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#Chain 60 – Save the Mandaean Refugees

Mandaeans are considered the smallest and most vulnerable ethno-religious minority in Iraq and Iran.

Numbering fewer than 60,000 people & scattered around the globe due to military intervention; we at The Great Translation Chain would like to call on your support both through translation & by signing a petition asking the United States of America Government to take moral, legal & historic responsibility to help those Iraqi Mandaean refugees trapped in Syria & Jordan.

Following the teachings of John the Baptist, the Mandaeans are absolutely forbidden from carrying weapons, even for self-defense. The holy book teaches them, on the other hand, to use words and knowledge to oppose their cruel treatment. For this reason we need to help them escape their persecution.

Join us in taking action – translate this plea for action – sign the petition!

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#Chain 59 – Post-ACTA era – Word from a Translator

It’s the Year 2015.

I am a translator or at least I think I am.

If only my life were easier; fined for illegal usage of copyrighted material, internet connection sporadically down as a slap on the wrist for supposed “misuse”, and those pesky global internet police – do they never sleep?

I am spied on; remind me again I am “just” a translator right? My credibility is in tatters – imagine the money spent on public transport, library fees and not to mention those over-inflated fees to “legally” view necessary documents for my research. After all I’m only being paid the equivalent of 2 of the old centimes!

ACTA has crept into my life, destroyed what was once my working environment and I have the feeling of entering a dead zone.

Every turn brings a new challenge – let’s face it when you are “paid” to translate the words of others and your translated words hold no value what are you to do? My own words are taken away from me (it feels more like theft for the amount I get paid) and I feel all that I am doing is paying more each day for the right to work.

Every single word I thought once belonged not only to me but to the whole human race bears the barcode of the beast “they” call ACTA.

Am I being silenced?

Written by Anon

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#Chain 58 – Rest in peace my beloved word

Based on “Mourning the written word” by Point of View’s Lisa Jardine

On reading an author’s point of view regarding the written word, I was propelled into contemplation regarding the implications of her findings. She wrote & I quote (whilst ACTA still permits me):

“In these days of email, texts and instant messaging, I am not alone, I feel sure, in mourning the demise of the old-fashioned handwritten letter. Exchanges of letters capture nuances of shared thought and feeling to which their electronic replacements simply cannot do justice.”

She goes on to quote the works of modernist write Virginia Woolf, who wrote “the humane art, which owes its origins in the love of friends”.

After reading the article, which I urge you to read; I was brought back to the frightening thought & subject of our last few Chains – ACTA.

Forget electronic mail watering down the sentiment of words through rapidity, forget that many people do not have the time or the inclination to write letters anymore …..

If ACTA has its way we will be simply silenced; unable to debate the demise of the written word using literary exerts & examples – the gag my friends is almost upon us!

Join in the fight to stop #ACTA – Translate our petition today

Word Count 223

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#Chain 57 – What is Acta – Watch the horror unfold!

German version

French version

Typically, as all eyes were focused on America’s SOPA and PIPA war, ACTA came along almost undetected.

On January 26, the EU and member states including the UK signed the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement in Japan.

Right now, as reported by AVAAZ,   negotiators at secretive talks are working on a deal that would cut off people from life-saving medicines.

Millions of people rely on generic medicines to treat diseases like malaria and HIV. If the so-called Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) goes forward, they could find themselves unable to afford the drugs that keep them alive.

Negotiators are trying to rush through the talks in response to mounting opposition. Our voices can prevent a bad deal being struck when no-one is looking.

ACTA may well have been signed but the fight isn’t quite over; we have until June to save our internet.

Join us in translation and say NO to ACTA before it’s too late!

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#Chain 56 – ACTA la CATA

Written by the Co-founders of The Great Translation Chain

Once again; YES we are asking for your support!

We don’t want you to save our project – we want you to save YOUR Internet before it is too late  – Say NO to ACTA! In fact just say NO to THEM!

Translate our message into as many languages as possible – the more languages the more visibility!

Don’t just stop there – share with as many of your friends and networks as possible!

You know what to do – use the templates and start the CHAIN!

Dans le prolongement de l’affaire ACTA, dont le but non avoué est d’accentuer le flicage, exercer un monopole absolu sur l’information et démolir toute liberté d’expression, nous souhaitons pousser un coup de gueule contre tous les décideurs politiques et économiques qui, sous couvert de vouloir garantir la « démocratie » et « protéger » le citoyen, n’ont de cesse que de nous brimer, paupériser et dénier l’accès au savoir dans le but de nous réduire enfin à un silence valant approbation.

Il est insupportable de voir comment les plus riches et donc les plus « puissants » s’évertuent à s’enrichir chaque jour davantage en nous faisant payer au sens propre le prix de leurs choix égotistes, en nous martelant que si nous devons nous serrer la ceinture c’est pour notre bien, en monopolisant ou détournant l’information et en vidant le langage de son sens. Il est insupportable de voir comment cette dictature du fric, ce culte imbécile du veau d’or contribue à dresser les peuples les uns contre les autres et à alimenter les pires préjugés raciaux, nationaux ou confessionnels.

Le plus incroyable est que nous avons-nous-même par notre indifférence ou notre lâcheté contribué à la création d’un véritable étau qui se resserre chaque jour davantage, a déjà fait des centaines de milliers de morts, jeté des familles entières à la rue, déplacé des peuples,  affamé et réduit en esclavage  la quasi-totalité de la population mondiale pour satisfaire l’avidité hallucinante d’une minorité de salopards.

Le plus dérangeant, c’est qu’il semblerait que, même si nous sommes en désaccord profond avec le mode de vie et de pensée qui nous est imposé, nous sommes pourtant obligés de cautionner les violences économiques et morales qui sévissent à l’échelle de la planète. Sous le régime nazi, il était dangereux mais possible d’entrer en résistance ; comment lutter efficacement à présent contre l’emprise monstrueuse de la mondialisation et de l’hydre de la finance ?

Sources : voyages, rencontres, réflexion, partage et détestation du pognon. Aucun droit d’auteur, nous construisons ensemble notre avenir.

Word count 340 

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