“Supporting common causes whilst showcasing professional ability.”

Welcome to The Great Translation Chain©

The main principle of this non-profit humanitarian project is to support causes through translation. Together with our team of collaborators we are able to give greater global visibility to these causes without the constraints imposed by language barriers.


Samantha and Bénédicte have worked tirelessly to make this project work; also giving up their own time to not only develop the idea but also implement it. They also dedicate a lot of time to promoting the collaborators who give up translation time in order to support The Great Translation Chain©. In addition to the project both have worked together for the last 5 years developing a language solutions association offering quality translations & language training to global businesses.


All collaborators give up their time to support this mission in whatever way they can; right from retweeting a cry for assistance to donating a short text of around 200 words. Their help has been, and is paramount to the success of The Great Translation Chain©. All that you see on the Chain has been a donation of time from the logo to the site itself.


The causes that we support are either carefully chosen by the founders, suggested by the collaborators or directly requested for by non-profit organisations. This is a part of The Great Translation Chain© project that takes up a lot of time and careful thought. We are currently communicating with many of the causes out there & offering our assistance.


If you are a translator who is reading this and wishes to take part, the process is quite simple. You do not need our permission, nor do you need to provide a test. All we ask is that you are a professional translator & have genuine skill in your chosen language pair; remembering that for the Chain© to work all translated texts most be understandable to the next translator using your translation as source. Choose the translation or translations that you wish to support which can be found in the Translation Chains menu in the side-bar & submit your translation using the instructions given at the end of each text.


Although all copyrights concerning the idea behind the project & the project itself belong to the associates of SJ Consulting the valuable contributions to The Great Translation Chain© belong to the intended audience; those out there that would benefit from the translated content. However, we do ask as a matter of courtesy that you notify us if you would like to use the translations so that we can share the news with our collaborators.

Final word

Sadly, the job of translators & their work is often underestimated and even criticised & so the other reason for this project is to dispel these negative ideas and replace them with the positive image that messages, such as these, need the careful expertise of a qualified translator; if the message is to get across properly.


Our job is never over – our search is on even as you read! We are looking for the following:

Translators & proofreaders of all language pairs.

Electing of non-profit projects who would benefit from our help.

Writers who can reflect the sensitivity of the plights of others.

People who are willing to simply pass our message on.

Together we can make a difference!

13 responses to “TGTC©

  1. Your message is powerful, important and truthful.

  2. Thank you – yours too – have just visited your site! If you have time perhaps you could write a short (150 – 200 words) text detailing the reason behind your mission. It would be great &, I feel, relevant to the vision of the Chain.

  3. Pingback: Chain #9 The Greek have never been so dispirited: | The Great Translation Chain©

  4. Pingback: Chain #8 – The Greeks on Prosopopeia’s Altar | The Great Translation Chain©

  5. Pingback: Chain #7 – Too Late to Save our Planet? | The Great Translation Chain©

  6. Pingback: Chain #10 Sunflowers versus Radioactive Cesium, the Fight is on! | The Great Translation Chain©

  7. Pingback: Chain #11 – Mexico’s survivors are fighting back | The Great Translation Chain©

  8. Pingback: #Chain 12 – Adieu « Mademoiselle » | The Great Translation Chain©

  9. Pingback: Transcharitable | SJC Translations

  10. Pingback: #Chain 27 – Are you a translator willing to give time to help causes? | The Great Translation Chain©

  11. Pingback: #Chain 30 – Deadly toys littering Libya’s streets | The Great Translation Chain©

  12. Pingback: #Chain 31 – Pour qui sonne le glas ? | The Great Translation Chain©

  13. Pingback: #Chain 47 – Pakistan’s Infanticide – An unforgivable sin | The Great Translation Chain©

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